Tin Tin Foil!

Aluminium foil

F/5.6, 1/60, ISO 100.

Day 41 / 365

Fun with Foil.

Interesting Fact: Foil made from a thin leaf of tin was commercially available before its aluminium counterpart. Tin foil was marketed commercially from the late nineteenth into the early twentieth century. The term “tin foil” survives in the English language as a term for the newer aluminium foil. Tin foil is less malleable than aluminium foil and tends to give a slight tin taste to food wrapped in it. Tin foil has been supplanted by aluminium and other materials for wrapping food. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium_foil )


  1. So funny…my Mom always saved her “tin foil” to use again, since it was expensive for her way back when….of course, she grew up during the Great Depression, so that seems to have formed many of her adult ways of life.

    She passed away almost 3 years ago, so it was fun to read your post and have a happy thought about Mom! Take care.

    • Thank you very much I am glad that my post broth that happy memory back to you. Thank you for shearing wonderful story about your mom. And again from the bottom of my hart thank you. 🙂

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