Backyard Bully!

House Sparrow

F/6.3, 1/320, ISO 1600.

House Sparrow

Black and White  Day 2 of 5

Day 90 / 365

This little guy was bullying all the other birds today. So small yet so feisty.

Interesting Fact: The House Sparrow takes frequent dust baths. It throws soil and dust over its body feathers, just as if it were bathing with water. In doing so, a sparrow may make a small depression in the ground, and sometimes defends this spot against other sparrows. ( )

I was challenged by Cynthia at  to take up the Black and White 5-Day Challenge.  Part of the fun is to nominate another blogger, one on each day.

Today, I nominate Maggie of Maggie, if you accept, the goal is to post one B&W photo each day for five days, and to nominate a fellow blogger each day to join in.

There is no pressure to accept this challenge. It’s just for fun!    🙂

Game On!

ping pong

F/4.5, 1/60, ISO 560, Photoshop CS6.

Black and White  Day 1 of 5

Day 89 / 365

“I played ping-pong even when I didn’t have anyone to play ping-pong with. I played ping-pong so much, I even played it in my sleep. ” Forrest Gump (1994)

Interesting Fact: Ping Pong originated in England during the 19th century, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlour game.[4][5] It has been suggested that the game was first developed by British military officers in India or South Africa who brought it back with them.[6] A row of books was stood up along the center of the table as a net, two more books served as rackets and were used to continuously hit a golf-ball. ( )

I was challenged by Cynthia at  to take up the Black and White 5-Day Challenge.  Part of the fun is to nominate another blogger, one on each day.

Today, I nominate Kirsten of Kirsten, if you accept, the goal is to post one B&W photo each day for five days, and to nominate a fellow blogger each day to join in.

There is no pressure to accept this challenge. It’s just for fun!    🙂

I Am Ready To Go Outside!

bella 1

F/5.3, 1/60, ISO 100.

Day 87 / 365

Man’s best friend, and family for life.      🙂

Interesting Fact:  Yorkies are a toy breed, one of the smallest acknowledged by the American Kennel Club. As with every breed of dog, there are Yorkies that are smaller or larger than the breed standard. According to “Yorkshire Terriers” by D. Caroline Coile, the record-holding smallest living Yorkie is only 3 inches tall. Because there is really no such thing as a teacup Yorkie, anyone looking for a small companion should be wary of sellers offering such dogs.  ( )

Evil Helmet


F/5.6, 58.0, ISO 100.

Day 86 / 365

Evil comes out at night.

Interesting Fact: The origins of the crash helmet date back to the Brooklands race track in early 1914[5] where the medical officer, a Dr Eric Gardner, noticed he was seeing a motor cyclist with head injuries about every 2 weeks. He got a Mr Moss of Bethnal Green to make canvas and shellac helmets stiff enough to stand a heavy blow and smooth enough to glance off any projections it encountered.  ( )

Be A Star!


F/5.6, 1/60, ISO 100, Photoshop CS6.

Day 85 / 365

Converse All Star shoes never seem to go out of style.

Interesting Fact: In 1921, a basketball player by the name of Charles “Chuck” Taylor joined a basketball team sponsored by the Converse Company called The Converse All Stars. Taylor held basketball clinics in high schools all over the county and while teaching the fundamentals of the game, he sold the All Star shoes.[3] As a salesman and athlete for the company, Taylor also made improvements to the shoe he loved. His ideas for the shoe were designed to provide enhanced flexibility and support and also incorporated a patch to protect the ankle. (  )

Das Auto

vw beetle

F/5.6, 48.0, ISO 100.

Day 84 / 365

Beetle still puts a big smile on my face.     🙂

Interesting Fact: The Beetle will float: The Beetle may have been inexpensive, but it was never cheap. Gaps were tight and doors sealed well. Additionally, it was a unibody car with a very flat floor with few openings. All of this meant that the car would actually float for at least several minutes after hitting the water before turning into a small U-boat.  ( )

Quack, Quack, Another Duck!

Green-winged Teal

F/6.3, 1/40, 1600.

Green-winged teal

Day 83 / 365

Why did the duck fly south for the winter?

Because it was too far to walk.

Interesting Fact:   This is the smallest North American dabbling duck.  ( )

Keep On Shoveling!

Northern Shoveler

F/6.3, 1/1000, ISO 640.

Northern Shoveler

Day 82 /365

His shoveling skills, would come in very handy during all these snow storms we had.

Interesting Fact: They are often referred to as the “Spoonbill” or “Spoony” because of their unique spatulate shaped bill, which has about 110 fine projections (called lamellae) along the edges, for straining food from water.  ( )

Please Don’t Ring My Neck!

Ring-necked Duck

F/6.3, 1/500, ISO 360.

Ring-necked Duck

Day 81 / 365

Why did the duck tell you a joke?
Because he wanted to QUACK you up!

Interesting Fact: Because it never gathers in large flocks it has not been hunted extensively like some of its relatives. A fast flier, it undertakes longer migrations than most other diving ducks. ( )