Be Yourself Because An Original Is Worht More Then A Copy!

F/10.0, 1/400, ISO 160.

White-winged Dove

What kind of candy do zombies refuse to eat?

LIFE Savers!

Interesting Fact: Like other doves and pigeons, White-winged Doves have some unusual abilities. They can suck and swallow water without moving their heads. And they use a secretion from the esophagus, known as crop milk, to feed nestlings. Both parents may consume snails and bone fragments to help their bodies create the nutritious fluid. ( )

We Are Looking At You!

F/9.0, 1/320, ISO 250.

Semipalmated Sandpipers

What never asks questions but receives a lot of answers?

The Telephone.

Interesting Fact: The oldest recorded Semipalmated Sandpiper was at least 14 years, 2 months old when it was recaptured and rereleased during banding operations in New Brunswick. ( )

I’m Not Mean. You’re Just A Sissy!

F/7.1, 1/200, ISO 250.

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

What do rabbits say before they eat?

Lettuce pray.

Interesting Fact: Females give birth in shallow ground nests, to young so helpless that perhaps only 15 percent survive their first year. Fortunately, rabbits breed three or four times every year and produce three to eight young each time.  ( )

I Am People Watching.

F/9.0, 1/320, ISO 160.


What’s a zombies favorite desert?


Interesting Fact: Palmchats are very sociable birds, often seen in small flocks containing several pairs which will roost closely together with their bodies in contact. ( )