Please Keep Off The Grass!

F/8.0, 1/250, ISO 400.

Northern Flicker

What can you hold without ever touching it?

A conversation.

Interesting Fact: The red-shafted and yellow-shafted forms of the Northern Flicker formerly were considered different species. The two forms hybridize extensively in a wide zone from Alaska to the panhandle of Texas. A hybrid often has some traits from each of the two forms and some traits that are intermediate between them. The Red-shafted Flicker also hybridizes with the Gilded Flicker, but less frequently. ( )

When Your Past Calls Don’t Answer. It Has Noting New To Say.

F/8.0, 1/250, ISO 400.

Northern Flicker

What do you call a bear with no socks on?


Interesting Fact: Northern Flickers generally nest in holes in trees like other woodpeckers. Occasionally, they’ve been found nesting in old, earthen burrows vacated by Belted Kingfishers or Bank Swallows. ( )

Don’t Let Anyone Bring You Down. Make Today The Best Day Of Your Life.

F/7.1, 1/200, ISO 400.

Northern Flicker

Why are frogs always so happy?

They eat what ever bugs them.

Interesting Fact: Northern Flickers generally nest in holes in trees like other woodpeckers. Occasionally, they’ve been found nesting in old, earthen burrows vacated by Belted Kingfishers or Bank Swallows. ( )