Listen To Me Meow!

Gray Catbird

F/5.6, 1/125, ISO1400.

Son: Dad I am cold!

Dad: Go stand in the corner it’s 90 degrees.

Interesting Fact:  The male Gray Catbird uses his loud song to proclaim his territory. He uses a softer version of the song when near the nest or when a bird intrudes on his territory. The female may sing the quiet song back to the male. ( )

You Had Me AT Meow!

F/6.3, 1/60, ISO 640.

Gray Catbird

Why can’t a bicycle stand up on its own? 

Because it’s two tired.

Interesting Fact: Catbirds usually build nests on horizontal branches hidden at the center of dense shrubs, small trees, or in vines, including dogwood, hawthorn, cherry, rose, elderberry, grape, honeysuckle, and blackberry. Nests are typically around 4 feet off the ground, but may be on the ground or as high as 60 feet. ( )

I Live In The Meow!

F/6.3, 1/60, ISO 320.

Gray Catbird

Why did the computer break up with the internet?

There was no “Connection”.

Interesting Fact:  The Gray Catbird’s long song may last for up to 10 minutes. ( )